Finally, that time of the year is here when we can expect ourselves stuck in a snowstorm at anytime. Truck driving is one of the few occupations where you can feel like you are in the 80’s in a single day and find yourself driving in a snowstorm the next moment. At such times, having your trucks well-prepared for the winter weather could truly make a great difference between you being comfortable inside rather than sitting out on the road stuck in a storm and feeling miserable. If you follow a few precautions, this can make driving even a terrible storm seem a bit safer.
Of course, you need to be aware that the most important pre-winter preparatory tips are to ensure that you know the condition that lies ahead of you (weather and road conditions).
From our experts here at Bobby Park, we have some tips you can follow to prepare your truck for winter.
Use MotorKote
To prevent your doors seals and other areas that open and close, you can put some MotorKote onto a clean cloth and rub it over the areas. You should be sure that you let it dry properly before you close it. You could also add some few drops in the locks to prevent unexpected jams or freezing. Consider coating your trucks wiper blades with some thin coat of MotorKote, let it dry for some hours, and wipe off the remaining. Following this step helps to prevent ice and snow from sticking to the wiper blades.
Install New Wiper Blades
Another tip we have for you, especially if you bought from used trucks for sale is you should consider installing new wiper blades. Preferably, use rubberized boots, which help to prevent ice and snow from building up. Some beam style blades can also work well. A pro tip, avoid buying cheap blades. There is nothing worse than replacing a blade that breaks apart during a bad storm.
Keep WD-40 and Similar Lubricant Sprays
Using this type of lubricant can work wonders to defrost frozen locks. We have seen many drivers who battle with their padlocks due to the buildup of ice and WD-40 fixed the problem in just a few minutes.
Have the Fifth Wheel Well Lubricated
You can spray some silicone or lithium grease to lubricate the fifth wheel at times when the weather is too cold. This will enable the fifth wheel grease to spread with ease.
Prevent Fuel Freezing
At times when the temperature drops below freezing point, you need to treat your fuel in the best ways to prevent ice buildup or gelling in the fuel lines and filters. You can choose products from top companies or come to us and we can provide you with the best options to prevent abrupt shut down at the roadside due to water or gelling in your fuel.
Whether this is the first time you hit winter roads with your truck, or you are an occupational truck driver, it is always best that you listen to conversations at truck stopsand consult expert drivers about the items they carry in their trucks. This can help you get some great ideas about new things in town.
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